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My life seems like the perfect life a girl can have but deep down theres so much that goes on that i need to let out but i have no idea where to start. my family is the best family i could ever ask for but over the years i've learned so much bout my family each and everyone of them. i never knew your own blood could be so conniving and they just pick whoever they wanna deem as their favorite in the family. my parents always taught me to never play favorites cause it never benefits anyone. i hate the fact that the family i look up to dont even give a damn shit bout me. they only care bout the others in the family. fuck this stupid shit its like i dont belong. what kind of gma or aunt or uncle fucking plays favorites? what younger sister turns on her older sister? what gma only cares for certain kids and not others. why do the ones that dont care bout the family get all the attention? what uncle only favors certain nephews over nieces and brother in laws over sisters? but with my family on the outside we're supposed to be perfect. got everything we need without a care in the world. what bullshit i dont believe in anything i once did anymore. then comes school o. m. fucking g! school's just school with the hard to understand professors and non stop hmwk and tests. but im just trying my best to achieve my goal i have set out for myself. first im gonna get my bachelors in chem second get my ass into pharmacy school third make all that money and do something meaningful with it. work i cant really complain bout. i have two jobs one is being a pharmacy tech i've been working in the pharmacy for... it'll be a year next month beg of october. but my job there is wonderful i get to learn so many new things and its so helpful to help me prepare for pharmacy school. the only thing i can complain bout are the people who come in and get their damn drugs. i swear to god half of them are druggies but the others are quite nice. its just the ones who dont get their drugs and then go all crazy on you and start bitching you out if their stupid insurance plan dont pay for the drugs. it's not my fault but it seems to them that they just like to take it out on whoever told them that news. yup that would be me, the messenger. dont go and bite the messengers head off. but the people who come in also do this thing where they're all yelling at you and it just makes you feel like you're the scum of the earth. idk what they do but there are days where one person can just make you feel like shit the rest of the day. ughhh i know that the prescriptions help them in their life but that doesnt mean they need to take it out on a girl who's only trying to do her job to the best of her ability... my other job is being a nail tech. yeah ive been doing that for awhile since my sweet mom owns a nail salon she's had for about nine years or so. i cant complain bout that job either seeing how my boss is my mom and shes pays me very well. but she sorta has too cause i work with feet all day. ahhh. haha most of the ladies that come in have good feet though so thank you very much ladies for taking care of your feet. think of us little people =) yet the stress from this job isnt even from our clients its the damn people i gotta work with. everyday is like a competition or something. who can perform what service that fastest or who's got the best new design. omg i dont give a damn shit i just go in and do my job and just try to please the lovely ladies that come in yet sometimes the clients can be overly picky but.. i dont got time to compete with ladies i could care less for. fobby fresh people always gotta act like they better than you. who the hell cares. last but never least comes the boyfriend. he always has my best interests at heart but sometimes i feel like he's suffocating me at times. i mean we see each other almost everyday cause of school and i go to his house after work for a bit and all but i feel as if even though our relationship is strong that sometimes time apart for just even a day will make our relationship better. and when i say he has my best interests at heart he really does... he always thinks of what's best for me school wise and financial wise and just everything else wise. he loves me and i adore and love him to death. its just that sometimes when we talk bout something going on in our life i think we both get stubborn at the same time and neither of can be wrong yet neither one of us will back down and see each other's reason. sometimes our talks are so deep that no matter what i end up crying. not b/c he's right and im wrong or im right and he's wrong but that it's just too much for me to take and i always end up crying. on top of that everytime i cry i get this fucking huge headache which is the absolute worst. i just really need a vacation where i can have all the time to myself and relax and be free and just have no worries. if i only could but i never have the time. hopefully around my birthday next year that time will come but who am i to complain im a nobody.
It's been 36 months since we've started our relationship. there's so much that comes to mind when i think of you. i remember when i used to get butterflies in my stomach when we first started talking to each other. there was this unexplainable feeling that i would get every time your name popped up on my phone. talking to you was so different then when i talked to other guys, cause i could tell you anything and i wasnt worried of how you would think of me. you understood me when no one else did and you were the only one i could turn to when things had gone wrong. after all those nights that we had talked i started feeling this attraction towards you and it didnt take long for me to realize how much i had liked you and how much i had cared for you. i was always curious of what you were doing or what you were thinking and even wondering if you were thinking of me. our relationship had moved fast but it felt like a lifetime. every moment we had spent together and all the things we did together always felt right. there wasnt a single moment where i was worried if things were going too fast cause deep down i knew... i knew that you were the one. the one who captured my heart, the one who would care for me no matter what happens, the one who would be my knight in shining armor. it might sound corny or cheesy but this is how i felt and what i felt was this desire to be with you always. i wanted to always be at your side and to always be the one you would turn to first if you ever needed someone to talk to. i always had this huge smile on my face when we would talk, and when we would be together i was just so giddy. every time i was with you, all my worries went away and i was care free. you made me feel so good bout myself and i loved it. and as i think bout the beginning of our relationship i realize how all my feelings for you are exactly the same and that just tells me that you're the one for me. you still put a smile on my face when you call or text me, letting me know that you're thinking of me. even though it's been three years theres nothing different between us except that my love for you has grown so much. when you smile at me it makes me weak inside because i know that theres no one else that you would smile like that to. even though we fight a lot more than we would like to, i know deep down that our fights are what keeps us together. nothing could ever come between me and you cause i know our love for each other is strong. im so in love with you and i know you feel the same way and i dont need anyone but you in my life. i will always need you by my side and i know you'll be there for me. i know there are times where i make you feel as if you haven't done your job as a bf but trust me you always are. you're always making me happy and making me feel loved. im so grateful to have you in my life and there will never be enough words for me to tell you how much i love you boo.

So the bf came back from cancun a week ago and we're on better terms about it. he didnt get me a souvenir from there that punk ass but he did buy me stuff when he was down in dallas. he also bought a phone card so he could call me every night to tell me good night and stuff. sweet huh? but i was still bummed i couldnt be there. oh wells.. he bought me this cute zebra print top from express and bought me stuff from MAC and the body shop. --side note: im in LOVE with zebra print-- i didnt take any pics of the stuff he bought me cause ive been lazy. i still give him shit bout cancun every now and then so its all good. and just the other day he told me he's gonna take me to vegas next summer whoo hoo! im hella excited cause ive always wanted to go to vegas =) im gonna be like cameron diaz in the movie what happens in vegas ahaha not. but i love that movie, so damn hilarious. if you havent seen it yet go rent it or buy it cause i know its out on dvd.
Anyways the bitch is still a bitch but she's trying her hardest to be friends with me? idk what to do. the bf keeps begging me to be on better terms w/ her and i feel like i can do that at my own pace. and i may seem like a bitch for this but i like having the upper hand cause it feels good! she gave a wedding invitation to the bf so he could give to me and she even text me bout going to her wedding. should i? the bf is part of the wedding as an usher and he really wants me to go and blah blah blah.. she keeps texting me these long texts bout how she's truly sorry and whatnot and that she was in the wrong. i gave it some thought but i will never forget what she said. ugh blahhhh.
School started last thursday and as usual my classes are boring but hopefully all this hardwork will pay off and get me into pharmacy school then when im a pharmacist i can spoil myself with whatever i want. heck yeah. after classes i went and checked out MAC's new collections, Cult of Cherry and Overrich. i didnt like anything from the Cult of Cherry collection it was just like blah to me.. but i fell in love with the Overrich pigments they were soo pretty I ended up getting blonde's gold and copperbeam freaking gorgeous! i wanna go back and get heritage rouge and mauvement cause i swatched them and i love em but the bf limit me to only two how gay but ill go back soon. heres my pic of the pigments

on another note.. i got my camera back yes! they finally got it fixed but those geeks at best buy had it for like a whole freaking month. jeez. has anyone ever heard of katie b cosmetics? i heard bout her thru my cousins gf bout two yrs ago. she has her own line of makeup and its really nice. my fav is her faux lash mascara. i totally swear by it and in blogger terms its my holy grail. i also like her fake eyelashes they're a must have. lets see.. i dyed my hair blonde. i actually got blonde highlights and dyed the bottom half of my hair dark brown. i love it. i went to a new salon called danny jimenez and this girl lauren did it for me and she did a wonderful job. i keep forgetting to take pics of it so ill do that sometime. my anni with the bf is next tuesday we'll be together for three freaking years. time flies by too damn fast. ill probably get him HID's for his car, who knows..
My babe kimmi is leaving for college tomorrow =(. Ive known this girl since i was six or seven and she was four or five. Now she's all grown up and she's leaving me for richmond, va! Im gonna miss her but ill go over there and visit maybe this thanksgiving. The other week we went out to eat and just talked for the longest time cause idk when ill see her again. But i know she'll do well in school and make me proud =D.

Best of wishes. xoxo
Happy birthday to my bitch Thuy!! I love her to death. She's always there for me no matter what and it's her birthday! We're gonna out and hang then this weekend we're gonna go eat at Sumo's which is so delish! Can't wait but too bad my camera is still in repair, gay! Here's the lovely skank.

Ugh!!!!! I hate this shit. Why can't anyone see where I'm coming from or see my point of view. This is so damn stupid. Damn it girls why are we such bitches?? I know I can be a bitch but at least I don't talk shit and pull things out of my ass like they're true!! Who the hell goes around talking shit acting like they know me when they've only been with me a for a damn fucking day! Bitch act like she's the damn queen and everyone gotta be on her side and if you're not on her side then you're a fucking loser. Ain't that some stupid ass shit! Nobody has ever pissed me off so bad in my entire life. Ladies hear me out here. My bf and I have been together for almost three years. That's a fucking long time for me, and other people, but esp me. So his damn so called "bestfriend", who is a girl btw, has this bachelor/bachelorette party in cancun and I didn't wanna go b/c for some reason the bitch act like she could talk shit on me and get away with it! What the hell?? I don't really remember the exact story of what had happened but all I do remember is that the bf and I got into a fight and somehow the bitch got wind of it and steps in like it's her business! She starts texting the bf how selfish I am and how much of a kid I act like! Who the hell does she think she is to start calling me names when she doesn't even know me!!! She also called me fucking retarded and a bitch. Ok one, I'm not retarded b/c I'm not the one who is still with a guy I don't even love and then goes and marry him! Stupid bitch. And two, how am I a bitch when I actually care for my bf?!?! On top of that she starts saying shit like how my bf's parents don't like me and how his sisters don't like how he's going out with me. Bitch has never even talked to his parents ever so where the hell is she getting this nonsense from?! And his parents and sisters like me just fine, no scratch that they fucking love me!
After all this bullshit and whatnot the damn bf STILL agreed to go to their damn bachelor/bachelorrette party in cancun. I mean I know that it's Cancun and all but how can he even go hang out with someone who talked so much shit on his own gf of almost three years?!?! Am I wrong to be mad and pissed and cussing?? If anyone thinks I'm in the wrong tell me so I can shut the fuck up, but if I'm right which I should be tell me! All of this just makes me wanna cry. Oh yeah everytime me and the bf talk bout this trip we argue, argue, argue and I end up in tears ='( I'm even crying just typing this...
Ughhhh someone save me please! =(
Family calls me Michelle. Friends call me Shellie. You can call me beautiful! Lol =) I'm Vietnamese, not chinese, japanese or even laos. People think I'm every other ethnicity but Vietnamese. I'm in my twenties not my teens, I'm not in highschool anymore people! I grew up very sheltered so I'm hoping this blog will help me embrace something unique.
My favorites are
- the color G R E E N !
- Ed Hardy
- Coach
- Juicy Couture
- And lots more!
My blog is just for me myself and I. And maybe for you =)
xo shellie