Ahhhh my classes start this thursday and i am totally NOT ready. I paid off my classes and have all my books, i just dont think my mind is ready... even though i took summer classes and that ended like two and a half weeks ago! Lets see... I'm taking anatomy & physiology, clinical pharmacology, medical terminology and re-taking chem2 cause i want an A in that class. So that's a total of 16 credits since a&p and chem have lab.. On top of that i have to cut my hours at the pharmacy cause my labs are like in the middle of the day and that barely leaves me any time to work... I'll be working mondays, wed nights and every other saturday.. geez! Anyways... what classes are you guys taking this fall??
Last tuesday was my day off of work and since i tend to wear neutral looks to work, i thought i'd play with my makeup a little and wear some color on my day off.

Do you notice how soft my lips are?? I've been using the aquafina chapstick that i got from DSK Steph and it rocks! I love the minty tingling feeling. Thanks again Steph! and she sent me a few goodies that i'll have to take pics of! She's such a sneaky babe! MWAH!

I used Metal-X eyeshadow in Sin, the purple from the Odd Couple mineralize e/s and Phloof! as my highlight anddd my lashes from vietnam =)
And then last night i went out since everyone was going out one last time before classes start and here's the look i wore sorta.. I took these right after I did my makeup but then i didnt like it and wanted it smokey... so i smoked it out with Top Knot but totally forgot to take more pics after i smoked it out!

I used Impassioned solar bits on my lid, Violet pigment on my lashline and Phloof! as my highlight and more vietnam lashes! Hmmm you barely see Impassioned on my lid in this pic though.. oh well whatever.
Oh yeah I got my geo contact lenses order in last week and i absolutely LOVE them. I need to remember to take pics because they're awesome! I wore my tri-color green ones today and they looked so pretty!
Don't worry about school love, I am sure you'll get into the swing of things in no time! I don't think anyone who is sane is ready for the summer to be over. *hug*
Sin looks awesome on your eyes. I love your makeup : )!!!
The violet pigment + lashes = total hottness!!!
Miss you Shellie! I hope you enjoy the rest of your Summer! <3
haha and yay for Aquafina!!!
I'm taking atatomy this coming semester too!! :) Except I'm totally not looking forward to it beacuse omg, the professor I have is HARD >_<
I love the makeup looks though, especially the one with the purple. HOT! <3
those eyelashes are awesome, they're so long and flirty! And hehe I ordered a pair of geolenses as well, can't wait to receive them :)
yeah I can't stand Heidi, she's not even hot!!
haha, idk how much I'd be able to help you because I'll be struggling!! >_<
Maybe YOU can help ME! LOL
&& the Time Traveler's Wife was SO good~! Even Raymond liked it, which was a total shock. haha But if you cry in movies easily, I totally suggest that you take tissue with you. I cried quite a bit & had no tissues !
good luck in school!! i love the violet pigment on your lash line
i agree your eyes are gorgeous!!
Thanks for entering the gucci giveaway!
I have finally answered your question in my latest post.
There's a new giveaway coming up soon!
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