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    Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    This SUCKS BOOTY!!! -post has major profanity

    Ugh!!!!! I hate this shit. Why can't anyone see where I'm coming from or see my point of view. This is so damn stupid. Damn it girls why are we such bitches?? I know I can be a bitch but at least I don't talk shit and pull things out of my ass like they're true!! Who the hell goes around talking shit acting like they know me when they've only been with me a for a damn fucking day! Bitch act like she's the damn queen and everyone gotta be on her side and if you're not on her side then you're a fucking loser. Ain't that some stupid ass shit! Nobody has ever pissed me off so bad in my entire life. Ladies hear me out here. My bf and I have been together for almost three years. That's a fucking long time for me, and other people, but esp me. So his damn so called "bestfriend", who is a girl btw, has this bachelor/bachelorette party in cancun and I didn't wanna go b/c for some reason the bitch act like she could talk shit on me and get away with it! What the hell?? I don't really remember the exact story of what had happened but all I do remember is that the bf and I got into a fight and somehow the bitch got wind of it and steps in like it's her business! She starts texting the bf how selfish I am and how much of a kid I act like! Who the hell does she think she is to start calling me names when she doesn't even know me!!! She also called me fucking retarded and a bitch. Ok one, I'm not retarded b/c I'm not the one who is still with a guy I don't even love and then goes and marry him! Stupid bitch. And two, how am I a bitch when I actually care for my bf?!?! On top of that she starts saying shit like how my bf's parents don't like me and how his sisters don't like how he's going out with me. Bitch has never even talked to his parents ever so where the hell is she getting this nonsense from?! And his parents and sisters like me just fine, no scratch that they fucking love me!
    After all this bullshit and whatnot the damn bf STILL agreed to go to their damn bachelor/bachelorrette party in cancun. I mean I know that it's Cancun and all but how can he even go hang out with someone who talked so much shit on his own gf of almost three years?!?! Am I wrong to be mad and pissed and cussing?? If anyone thinks I'm in the wrong tell me so I can shut the fuck up, but if I'm right which I should be tell me! All of this just makes me wanna cry. Oh yeah everytime me and the bf talk bout this trip we argue, argue, argue and I end up in tears ='( I'm even crying just typing this...
    Ughhhh someone save me please! =(


    iizlisaa said...

    hello, i just came upon your blog and read this... sorry but...

    if i was in your shoes i would be pissed too. because she disrespected you, and your boyfriend didn't defend you. it also seemed like she doesn't like you so shes just saying negative things to your boyfriend about you. him going to cancun.... you know i would be just as FURIOUS .... at the same time, if he wanted you to go, you should still go because he wants you to go. i think that would make you feel a little better knowing what hes doing. and boys ARE stupid but they won't listen to you, or i mean you can't control what they want/dont want to do.

    you hate her now, but that doesnt mean you should be just LIKE her and it doesnt change the fact that she is your boyfriends best friend. you should be the bigger person and show her you aint going no where. i had many situations happen like this thats gone to bad. but if you trust your boyfriend, you have nothing to worry about.

    and i do agree that i HATE girls like her.

    so i think you shouldnt trip out about this as much just because you girls dont get along. in the end, you have your boyfriend, SHE doesnt control who hes with.

    good luck

    iizlisaa said...

    oh and i've been with my boyfriend for 4 years =)