I just wanna blog real quick before i go to work! So my 2010 new year's resolution is to start working out and get my body toned and looking good! isnt that what everyone wants?! i have been saying that i would start working out every year but then i get lazy and never go! its kind a hard to start working out if i dont get my lazy butt outta the house. this year i got fed up with myself always saying that i'll start working out but never started! sooo finally! a couple weeks ago i actually went and got a gym membership! yayyy me! i started working out on the tenth and have been ever since! im actually proud of myself but man oh man it is hard work! i have been incredibly sore lately and it sucks! i dont work out everyday though, with school and work i have two rest days. what's nice is that im also working out with two of my babes and it just makes the work out a lot more fun that way and if i ever get lazy i have them to get on my ass about it! another plus is that our boyfriends work out too so we go to the gym together sometimes and its always fun but the girls do their thing and the guys do their thing. cause let me tell you, i worked out with michael once and OMG his workout was harder than the workouts i've been doing with my girls and of course guys work out differently AND harder compared to girls but whatever as long as i get my abs that ive been wanting since forever haha. after i get my routine down ill post about what kinda work outs i do and what body parts i work out. im actually gonna go work out tonight after i get off work and we're gonna be working out our abs and backs today! talk to you babes later <3
How to be an Incredibly Interesting Person
3 years ago